Onenote palm rejection android
Onenote palm rejection android

onenote palm rejection android

You can understand that with this feature all productivity aspect of you device will be boosted, at the moment that Android provide a lot of professional app (like “concepts” with infinite layers and infinite canvas or “Nebo” for writes). also if as I said, I didn’t test it, so I can be sure. I m not completely sure about these but I leave you a link that prove it work on “Bamboo paper”, so I suppose it should work also with others app. On they video they show only Bambù app but it seems it should work on all, so also on “evernote”, “one note”, “squid”, “concepts” ecc. It seems that “Bookeen” have managed to add a feature on their “Notèa” device called “ècriture globale” which make possible write without lag on all other “google play” app. Hi, I know that this feature have been suggested in the past (older forum) but I want suggest it again on the newest forum because it seems there is evidence that it is possible.

Onenote palm rejection android