We'll sort through them and pick the best for the next installment of IGN's ModNation Racers: The Coolest Content. We don't care if you submit your own stuff. ModNation Racers contains deep multiplayer support including 2-player. When you find something awesome in ModNation Racers, send in the creation's type, the creation's title, and the author's name with the subject line "MNR Pick". Y es porque ModNation Racers: Road Trip es sencillamente una entrega muy continuista, con nuevos circuitos para la nueva portátil con dos grandes cambios, uno positivo y otro negativo. ModNation Racers is a PlayStation 3 exclusive Kart Racing game featuring all the. Now, we're not saying these are the most perfect Mods and karts, but we are saying that they're rad and deserve your download. Rather than set you adrift in this sea of created crazy, we've decided to start up a semi-regular feature detailing some of the coolest creations you can possibly find on the ModNation Racers servers. You can find the time machine from Back to the Future, President Obama as a Mod, and tracks honoring everything from Zelda to IGN itself.

Buy this add-on for LittleBigPlanet and get the LittleBigPlanet Karting, LittleBigPlanet PlayStation®Vita and. Download this additional costume to really stand out from the crowd This add-on is for LittleBigPlanet. Although the game has only been out for mere days, there's a seemingly endless pool of content for you to download. The best thing about Sackboy is that you can make him look and act exactly how you want.